Archive for the ‘Avatar Movie Trailer’ Category


August 21, 2009

Alright Avatar fans, I finally found an Avatar trailer I can embed onto my blog. It might not last long due to copyright issues but hopefully it doesn’t get removed from YouTube. I don’t know about you, but I know absolutely nothing about Avatar. Other than seeing a few minutes of the anime series when I spent some time in Vancouver, I really didn’t pay any attention to it. But after watching this trailer, I am definitely paying attention now. Wish I had done so years ago.

While watching G4 last night, the host and person being interviewed mentioned that some people weren’t really impressed with the trailer that came out. I am assuming these are the die hard fans that didn’t like what they saw, because it wasn’t as good as what they imagined. (Is anything ever as good as we imagine it?) They may have had a point that the trailer doesn’t really tell us anything about the story, but if you dig deeper, it’s actually telling us a lot.

Personally, I dig trailers that make you guess at what the hell it is you’re seeing. It’s a tease, and it works for me. It made me go online and research Avatar to find out what it’s really all about.

I hate it when movie trailers come out and show you way too much from the movie. It’s like, why do I need to pay to see the movie now? I just saw every funny part… I just saw every crazy explosion… I basically already figured out the predictable ending, so what’s the point? I don’t want to see too much of a movie in a trailer. If a movie gets promoted by a long and highly detailed trailer or behind the scenes footage, chances are, the movie is going to suck. That’s why they’re trying to sell you the movie so hard.

I’d much rather go into a movie, not knowing a thing about it or at least thinking the movie is going to be awful. That way, I won’t be disappointed. I’ll walk out of the theater thinking, “hey, that was a pretty damn good movie.” Or at least walk out saying, “it totally didn’t suck as much as I thought it would. Huh.. go figure.” See my strategy? Write it down, try it. It works. Thank me later.

Oh, and if your friend is telling you, “Duuude! You have got to see this movie bro! It’s the best movie I’ve ever seen. So bad ass, you don’t even know.” Tell him to do you a favor and shut up. Giving out high expectations to someone before seeing a movie, really kills it for them. I’ve done it to people in the past and they were disappointed in the end. I’ve learned my lesson as they questioned me on my taste in movie entertainment. It’s happened to me countless times and it must cease immediately. If anything, downplay the movie expectations. Just say, “Was it good? Yea, I guess. Just go see it and tell me what you think.” And then you can go on and on afterwards about how good or how bad the movie was.

So not only is there a movie trailer for Avatar but a video game trailer as well thanks to That VideoGame Blog. Man, those guys always pull through with the best videos. Definitely follow their site if you enjoy their content as much as I do. Enjoy the videos and have a great weekend my friends!