Archive for the ‘Army of Two: The 40th Day’ Category


August 10, 2009

I admit I was not a big fan of the first Army of Two. After seeing it hyped up for so long, and knowing that I wanted to play it very badly, once I actually got my hands on it, I was extremely disappointed. Even with a buddy playing with me side by side, it felt underwhelming. The aiming was odd, the lighting made everything look washed out and the enemy AI was so weak it’s not even worth talking about. What was I looking for in this game? I was looking for a co-op experience better than Gears of War. I guess that’s harder to accomplish than I thought. Maybe it will the second time around?

With that said, I can’t deny EA’s promotion skills when hyping up their games. They really are some of the best in this industry and I give them credit for that. This promotional video featuring the characters of Army of Two interacting with real life people is by far one of the best edited video game promotions I have ever seen. This video connects with the “regular guy” on so many levels. Because let’s face it, how many of us know exactly how that dude feels when he shot the copy machine? I know if I was a bad ass and carried weapons on me 24/7, I would not hesitate to put a cap in the copy machine at my day job. In fact, I dream about it on a nightly basis. Man, to be a video game character for a day…

Credit: That VideoGame Blog