Archive for the ‘Aquatica’ Category


June 25, 2009

Whoa! Aquatica is a ‘new, unique game completely in a class of its own’. Problem is? It’s a complete rip off of flOw from developer Jenova Chen. This is an obvious ripoff and the developers, Katarasoft, claim it as 100% original.. well, at least the source code. So they claim on YouTube :

“Actually, all the source code is completely, 100% written from scratch. Please check your facts before you make such baseless accusations.

Also, what’s wrong with adapting a general idea of one game to the iPhone? No one had done this before, and we wanted to play it with tilt controls. In general, most games within each class are practically the same, just different graphics.”

Jenova Chen had a few words to say as well after taking notice of this oh so familiar looking game:

“I released flOw source for people to learn. I didn’t expect to see it on iPhone without quoting the creator. I just gave out source for people who wants to learn Flash programming. However, according to them, they wrote it from scratch.

The image and animation in Aquatica is almost identical to the original web game I created. I felt maybe they are one of the many who asked me for the flOw source code. But according to the comments the creator of the Aquatica made on the youtube, they didn’t use my source code.

Anyway, I always wanted to see the original flash version of flOw ported to iPhone one day. However, there are many legal issues with the flOw IP since Sony owns the rights to flOw PS3. Though we had many request for doing the port, we didn’t end up pursuing it.

I thought the creation of Aquatica is a very flattering thing because they mimic the game I created in the university and somewhat realized my dream for a flOw game on the iPhone. It could be a very sweet thing if they did this as a fan ware and put it out for free. But the fact they didn’t mention flOw at all and call it a ‘new, unique game completely in a class of its own’ is disappointing.”

If you check out the YouTube page you’ll see some pretty brutal comments thrown their way. At first, Ketarasoft seemed to try and take a stand and claim it as their own, but now they seem to be backtracking a bit. From their website:

“Please note: Aquatica is an iPhone from-the-ground-up re-make (FAN VERSION) of the famous flOw game created by Jenova Chen of the ThatGameCompany fame. We deeply apologize for not properly crediting him earlier. Our mistakes were caused by naivety, not malice.”

Whatever it is that they claim, they demonstrate very poor judgment and I would think they’d want to try and calm this brewing storm as soon as possible. If not? Let the legal drama ensue.


UPDATE: At Post time last night, the YouTube vid had around 300 views. This morning? It’s almost at 11,000 views. Now it looks like one of the Devs had a light bulb go off over his head. They have decided to remove the game from the App Store. Good idea guys.. in fact, that’s the best idea you’ve had yet. Now go make your own damn game!