Archive for the ‘APB’ Category


September 21, 2009

Say what you will about Crackdown, that game was damn fun! I just wish Realtime Worlds developed the game deeper than they did. There was so much they could have done with DLC, but all they gave the fans were a few new vehicles and called it a day. With so much space in this city, why not give us a flying vehicle of some sort at least? I still don’t get that.

Anyway, All Points Bulletin may be the game I’ve been waiting for. Basically, it looks like Crackdown on steroids. Which is obviously a good thing. I like how they are taking ideas from other open world games and implementing them into APB. Like the deep character customization of Saints Row 2. I thought that was one of their best features, and Realtime Worlds is taking that idea and developing it further. Create your own characters, your own gang, your own war. All online, with hundreds of other players. Play as the criminals, or play the good guys trying to stop the criminals. Me likey!

Looks like it’s only for the PC for now though. If you’re interested, try signing up for their beta testing.