Archive for the ‘AAA Indie’ Category


May 28, 2009

Like I said a few weeks ago, Indie games is where it’s at for me right now with games like COGS, Zero Gear and others. Indie game developers seem to be able to implement more creative and outrageous ideas overall and for Indie developers like Zero Point Software, the risks of running with those ideas just may reap the rewards in the end. What kind of risks you ask? Well let me ask you something. Are you afraid of sharks? Oh, you’re not? OK, well maybe that’s because you don’t like to swim in the ocean. That’s fine, I hear ya. I’m a lake/river guy myself. No need to be afraid of something when you’re never in the creatures natural habitat, right? Riiigghht. But… and this is a big but, and I cannot lie (sorry, bad Sir Mixalot joke) … what if those sharks decided to randomly grow some legs of their own and enter your natural habitat? Would you be scared of these mutant land shark creatures then? Yea, I thought so. My friends, welcome to your worst nightmare. Welcome to Interstellar Marines. (See video above to get your freaky land shark fix)

The best part about Indie for me is, Indie game developers have no problem with giving the public behind the scenes access of how the game is made. Which to me, honestly, should be done with every game. I truly want to know what went into making a product like, say The Darkness, and I want to know if forking over $60+ is going to be worth it for me. Video Games are an entertainment investment and should be treated that way. Developers can show not only what game they’re working on and how they’re developing it, but they can show who is working on it. I guess it’s a lot easier to show who is working on a game when you don’t have 500+ employees you have to take pictures of say like, at EA or ActiBlizzard. I can see how that may be an annoying task to complete. Indie game developers on the other hand tend to work in smaller, more family-like teams which to me, equals a better developed game. They can take their time on it, they don’t have a greedy publisher breathing down their necks, they’re not pressured into finishing the game just for the sake of finishing it and everybody knows what each employee is responsible for on the game. They can take that extra time and polish their art to perfection.

Which makes me wonder, why do some gamers still accept and purchase the same rehashed garbage games that some of the bigger developers/publishers shove down our throats year after year? I have been part of that crowd for a long time and have purchased many AAA games that in the end, I regretted. Why? Because for all the millions of dollars in marketing and all of the overrated hype that leads up to a new IP release date, the $60 price tag is not even close to justifying said hype. I refuse to buy a game, especially a sequel, when there is nothing new, creative or innovative to justify the hype. If it adds no value to the gaming community, what’s the point? Intersteller Marines is on the right path and I highly recommend you follow this game.

Speaking of no added value, the review for Terminator Salvation will be coming soon.. stay tuned.

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