Who doesn’t love themselves some Max Payne? Not just the gameplay and bullet time it’s so well known for, but the actual storyline that comes with it. Each Max Payne I have played has been better than the one before. I know the Max Payne story is good, because Hollywood decided to produce a movie based off of the game. Which I did not see. On purpose. Are you kidding? I’m not going to watch another half-assed Hollywood take on one of my beloved video game titles. Why can’t they do game-movies correctly? Anyone have an answer?

Check out this teaser video of the new Max Payne. Something caught me by surprise and it’s the last part of the video. Did any of you know that Max Payne was going to be released by the end of the year? I sure didn’t. Their website only says ‘coming soon’. I totally expected it to come out in 2010 with all the other delayed games of Fall/Winter 2009. Go figure! Max Payne 3 and Rockstar have the balls to go up against Modern Warfare 2. It will be interesting to see how this plays out.

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