I meant to post this last week but somewhere along the way, I lost my mind. But if you still have yours, then chances are you have already seen the new gameplay trailer for the “I can’t believe it’s coming so fast” September release of Halo 3: ODST. Woo hoo! It’s already August, can you believe it?! Another great video you should check out, if you haven’t already downloaded it for free on Xbox Live Marketplace, is the new ODST Vid Doc that Bungie creates before each game. Bungie has definitely figured out how to work this finely tuned hype machine. I love it!

From the gameplay video above, you can see things have definitely changed from the original Halo 3. It remains to be seen if these changes are for the better. Chances are, they are. In the end though, does it really matter? I mean, I’m going to buy it either way. However, there is one thing I noticed in here that really, really bothers me. It’s the same thing that pissed me off about Ghost Recon 2. The highlighting of characters. The colored outline of all your enemies and even friendlies. I just don’t get why developers need to do that. I understand what Bungie is going for with the new ODST HUD, and his “magical powers” of seeing things through his helmet.. but it turns me off. Hopefully we find out there is a bigger reason for why they implemented this change and I hope it’s a feature you can turn on and off if you don’t find it necessary to use during gameplay. That’s my only gripe about the changes so far. I can’t wait to get ahold of those new weapons though! Cheers my friends..

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