Archive for July, 2009


July 21, 2009
Once again, Guest ContributerDIGGITY” is back with another review.

Here is the deal. If I hear one more person tell me they did not like the Transformers movies because they had bad acting, or bad directing, or blah blah blah, I might have to administer them a DBBS, (Double-Backhanded-Bitch-Slap). My point is, if you went in to Transformers 1 or 2 looking for amazing acting or writing, you should probably stick to chasing parked cars instead. These movies were not intended to be Academy Award winners; these movies are about giant shape-changing robots doing battle for crying out loud! Why can’t people just enjoy a movie experience for what it is anymore? This same concept ties perfectly into the Transformers: Rise of the Fallen video game. If you go into it looking for some artsy, whimsical experience like Bioshock, (most overrated game ever by the way) you will most likely be disappointed. However if you want to do some battle with Transformers, then dig into this one for sure.

Before I delve further into this short but sweet review, I will warn you about some serious spoilers. If you have not seen the movie and you plan to, do not play the game! There are some parts of the movie that will provide a nice chub to true Transformers fans that would otherwise be digitally blue-balled by the sub-par graphics of the video game. Graphics are really the biggest downfall of this enjoyable game. They are at often times fuzzy and PS2-esque. Same with what I said in my Prototype review though. Who is stopping to admire how pretty a building is when you are wreaking so much havoc? It’s not a huge deal, but more attention to the textures would have been nice, particularly the actual transformation of some of the characters.

The game has a ton of positives, including the full roster of bots from both movies. Being able to transform on the fly is very satisfying, and never really seems to get old, especially with the flying transformers like Starscream and Grindor. Each bot has two weapons with unlimited ammo, which can overheat if fired for too long. There is also a very simple melee system, which you will rarely use as it’s extremely ineffective compared to the artillery. Single-player campaign is a bit repetitive for the most part, playing out with several generic missions spanning from killing a bunch of bots, to checkpoint races and protecting areas from damage while fighting off waves of enemies. There are a couple really cool boss fights (especially Devastator) that keep it fresh, and also a campaign for both Autobots and Decepticons.

This game was obviously intended for online multiplayer, as that’s where it really ends up shining. The campaign seemed more like a training session for the multiplayer. It offers several modes including Deathmatch and Team Deathmatch, and my personal favorite, One Shall Stand where each team switches off a leader (Optimus or Megatron) in a VIP style “kill the leader.” There is also your standard Capture the Flag (Shard) and Control Points. The robust lineup transfers well to the multiplayer. Each has a different style of play from transformation to weaponry. Some are small and quick, some are big and slow, some have sniper rifles, and others have locking missiles or grenade launchers. This works out rather well as the multiplayer plays like a team-based third person shooter, so everybody is sure to find a player that fits their style. Each character also has a special ability. These range from overheating other players weapons, temporary invincibility and even the ability to deploy a turret. Couple the addictive shooting and gunplay with the aforementioned ability to transform on the fly, and you have one nicely put together multiplayer experience. I had no trouble finding games, and no lag to speak of.

All in all this game was really surprising for me. I enjoyed the nostalgia of the movies and the attention to detail of making each Transformer feel different and unique both in their robot-like state, and their vehicle transformation. If you’re looking for a nice tie-over from your usual online shooter, give this one a go for sure!



July 20, 2009

Saaaay what? What-what-whhaat? Yea, you read it just as I did. V-Ray is coming to Maya and at time of posting, Maya users only have 27 days remaining before we finally get to produce some of the most realistic renders imaginable. Only thing is, I can’t find out how much it will cost me and if it will even be worth it.

It’s funny, well, not to me, but I was just complaining to a friend last night about Maya’s mental ray renderer and some of the issues I have with it. Specifically, transparency issues. You got to know a bunch of tricks for some of your scenes to render out the way you want and it can get very frustrating sometimes. Don’t get me wrong, I still have tons of love for Maya and mental ray, but I can’t wait to get my hands on V-Ray. I’ve been wanting to do more architectural work and this may be what I need since I am most comfortable with Maya.

I believe V-Ray is mainly used on 3ds Max but it’s available on other 3D platforms as well including XSI and Blender. I currently have a copy of 3ds Max but have been reluctant to try using it again. I have working knowledge of it and well, prefer to use Maya in the end. But after last night, surprisingly, I’m thinking about switching to 3ds Max. Not only will I get more practice in another program, it would significantly improve my chances of getting hired at a game studio that primarily uses 3ds Max. That’s not to say I will get the job over the thousands of other game artists out there, including recently laid off artists who have the experience needed to beat me out of just about any position because of that experience. Man this is a tough industry to get into! All I can do is keep at it. I don’t plan on giving up anytime soon.

So what programs do you like using? Maya? 3ds Max? XSI? You prefer mental ray? V-Ray? If you’re a CG artist, feel free to leave a comment.

Check out the V-Ray Countdown page at for more information.


July 20, 2009

Looks like the inevitable finally happened. Luigi has snapped! I don’t blame him really. Mario always seemed like a better all-around plumber. He seemed to be faster, jumped higher, lived longer and somehow always seemed to get the girl in the end. I’d be pretty frustrated too if I got the shaft like that. What about Luigi? Where is his princess? It was all just a matter of time…



July 18, 2009

I unfortunately, for the second year in a row, underestimated the popularity of San Diego’s Comic Con and failed to order tickets in time for the major event. The only day I could have gone was on a Sunday and I figured since that was the last day of the Con, I could still get tickets a few weeks before the event. Yea, I’m stupid. Tickets sold out way earlier than last year. This won’t happen again next year! It’s like an hour away from me and I can’t go because I procrastinated. Now let this be a lesson to you all! I mean, because that’s why I did this in the first place. To teach you guys a lesson in putting shit off. Uhhh..yea, that’s why.

OK well, since I’m not going, you better believe I’ll be just like the rest of you who are not going. I’ll be monitoring every website and Twitter page I can to get the latest news from the event, just like E3 in Los Angeles. Cool thing is, even though Comic Con hasn’t started yet, the news and previews are already coming in.

If you head on over to, you can see the Top 10 Most Anticipated Movies that will be on full display for the large crowds. The first footage of ‘Iron Man 2’ is supposed to be shown, and I know many are excited about that. ‘Toy Story 3’ was quite a surprise to see, especially seeing that is will be in 3D. I totally did not see that one coming. Also, most of you who have gone to the movies recently have probably already seen the previews for the movie ‘9’ (featuring some bad ass sounds from one of my favorite bands ever, Coheed and Cambria) but I thought I’d post it anyway. I’m surprised I didn’t talk about that movie already. Tim Burton will blow us away with that one, you watch.

So are you going to Comic Con? What are you most excited to see from the event?


July 16, 2009

Have you ever wanted to fly around an insane looking umbrella and rein death upon an alien world? Me too! That’s not what this is unfortunately. It’s actually a spaceship that just happens to look like an umbrella, but you can go ahead and think that if you want. It depends on how you visualize these things I guess. All I know is, this is video game art at its best. Not a bad trailer considering the bad ass music/art combination. The right music goes a long way in games to help set the tone.

This game may soon make its way to PC and possibly XBLA thanks to Microsoft, FuelCell Games and specifically, Michel Gagne and Joe Olsen. The game is related to an old Nickelodeon show from 2005 that I’ve never heard of or seen, but imagine it was pretty awesome. My Nickelodeon days ended when ‘Double Dare’ and ‘Hey Dude’ ended. Ahhh.. memories.

You can check out their development blog to learn more about this interesting game. What do you think so far?

Credit: Destructoid


July 14, 2009

After dropping off my car to spend an outrageous amount of money on “normal maintenance” for a used car I only got last year, I headed over to my favorite bagel shop to get an onion bagel, toasted with cream cheese. Mmm.. baageelss. Oh I’m sorry, I’m not really writing this post about a my love for bagels in the morning. I’m really writing this post because of the OC Metro magazine I picked up at the bagel place that featured a list of the best companies to work for in Orange County, California. And what company happens to be in this elite list? The company I have applied at more times than any other company since I graduated from VanArts. Foundation 9 Entertainment.

For those who do not know about F9E.. Google it! No, I’m just playing. Don’t do that, that’s my job. F9E is the biggest independent game developer in the world. The company consists of a bunch of different studios like Amaze Studios in Washington, Backbone Entertainment in Emeryville, Pipeworks in Oregon and the two So. Cal studios, The Collective, and Shiny Entertainment who recently combined to form Double Helix in Irvine. Double Helix, if you recall, is currently working on G.I. Joe the video game. Yea, G.I. mutha f’in Joe! Do you blame me for wanting to work there? I’ve heard lots of good things, and obviously so has OC Metro.

Maybe someday it will happen but it’s good to know that I am applying at companies that really know how to treat their employees well. How well? As you can see from the photo up top, they bring in really flexible women to show you how you’ll never be able to bend and manipulate your body. That doesn’t float your boat you say? It probably would if you spent 12+ hours a day sitting in a chair staring at polygons and pushing & pulling vertices all day on your computer. Massage Monday’s, Yoga Wednesday’s, Ping Pong Friday’s… whatever! Game studios, and other companies in general, should do whatever it takes to keep creativity flowing, and keep their employees stress free so they can perform to the best of their abilities. Other companies and game studios should take notes from Foundation 9 Entertainment. They’re doing it right.

Credit: OC Metro


July 11, 2009
Is that a bow & arrow on your chest? Or you just happy to see me?

Tomb Raider is one of my most favorite games to play back in the PSOne days. With the release of Tomb Raider: Legend and Tomb Raider: Anniversary for the Xbox 360, I had no choice but to relive those great memories of my gaming past and make new ones for this next generation. But the thing is, I, and I assume many other fans, was severely disappointed. These “next gen” Tomb Raider games were barely worth playing. I bought TR:Legend and regretted it within the first few hours, realizing how little replay value the game possessed. I learned very quickly that I should always think about renting a new Tomb Raider game first in the future, instead of buying. That ended up saving me a lot of money.

What the!? You’re going to need a lot more than a bow & arrow to take on these tree demons

So what the hell? Why did this franchise fall apart so epically? For one, the gameplay has not changed from the way it was originally designed. Some might say there isn’t really anything wrong with that. However, other franchises have gone above and beyond their original game design. Adding new features, enhanced combat, special visual effects, and an updated storyline helped make other franchises of old, feel brand new. But Tomb Raider? Nah.. they just kept with the same formula and it ended up getting extremely boring. I would consider it almost a painful experience to complete the game, just for the sake of completing the game. That’s not what I want as a gamer. Making the character a little bit prettier due to new software technology is not enough. Enhancing her chest size will not get the game off of retail shelves like it could years and years ago. No Co-Op? No Multiplayer? I’m sorry but does Eidos and Crystal Dynamics know what year it is?

After all this, I still have hope! I try to stay positive, and this “rumor” running around now is one of the reasons why I still hold out hope for a reinvigorated Lara Croft: Tomb Raider. It seems there is a “mole” over at Eidos/Crystal Dynamics or at least, someone who has access to some new concept art in the works. Who knows if these shots have anything to do with a new Lara Croft game but the prospect of this being true is likely high. It could just be a modder who has taken upon him/herself to create something the developers should consider when they begin a much needed revamp of the franchise. Consider Joystiq’s thoughts on this rumor, and then check out the rest of the screenshots over at

What do you think about all this? Is Tomb Raider finally going to shine like it used to? I certainly hope so. If the devs start from scratch and as long as they keep Angelina Jolie far away from the game and likely movie sequel, I think only good things can come of this.


July 9, 2009

I‘ll admit, when I first saw the original footage of this movie, back when Neill Blomkamp was introduced to the world as being the guy that would bring Halo to life on the big screen, this project and his past projects did not impress me. However, when he did the live-action short films based in the Halo universe, I was completely blown away. In fact, it’s the only video I have kept stored on my 360 hard drive and refuse to erase it. Returning to it every once in a while for inspiration and well.. it’s just so completely bad ass I wish it were a full on motion picture. But, we’re not going to get it. At least, not for a while. Until then, we have District 9 to look at and wonder… what if?

Check out the trailer above and tell me what you think. The first teasers that have come out have not been very detailed but after watching this, I finally.. after watching and reading everything else about this movie, I am finally excited to see this. It doesn’t matter that Peter Jackson is involved or not, I believe this could be something we haven’t seen before and Neill Blomkamp will deliver. I just hope this raises enough hype to where Blomkamp’s next project will be the one everyone is really waiting for… Halo: The Movie. Ahhhh man.. someday, right? Someday.

If this is the first time you’ve heard about this movie, this is what ‘District 9’ is all about:

“Thirty years ago, aliens made first contact with Earth. Humans waited for the hostile attack, or the giant advances in technology. Neither came. Instead, the aliens were refugees, the last survivors of their home world. The creatures were set up in a makeshift home in South Africas District 9 as the worlds nations argued over what to do with them. Now, patience over the alien situation has run out. Control over the aliens has been contracted out to Multi-National United, a private company uninterested in the aliens welfare they will receive tremendous profits if they can make the aliens awesome weaponry work. So far, they have failed; activation of the weaponry requires alien DNA. The tension between the aliens and the humans comes to a head when an MNU field operative, Wikus van der Merwe, contracts a mysterious virus that begins changing his DNA. Wikus quickly becomes the most hunted man in the world, as well as the most valuable he is the key to unlocking the secrets of alien technology. Ostracized and friendless, there is only one place left for him to hide: District 9.”


July 7, 2009

Poland-based ‘Techland‘ has just released a tech demo of some amazing environments you have got to see. It reminds me of Crysis a bit with the massive forests with streams going through them and the overall feel of everything being alive, but it looks like Techland’s Chrome Engine 4 is a bit more developed than anything I have ever seen before. While looking at this demo, it feels more complete than its Unreal and Crytek competitors. You can check out the new game Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood to see what the game engine is like in action. So far, I am deeply impressed and wonder where this game engine has been all my life?

I’m sure there will be more tech demos coming soon so keep a look out as we witness the beginning of something special from talented developers, Techland.

Credit: That Videogame Blog


July 6, 2009

Take a look at the video and decide for yourself to see if South Korea’s SK iMedia has crossed a line. Some in South Korea are saying it looks so much like Team Fortress 2 that they feel it is an embarrassment to the Korean videogame industry.

I don’t really know what to think yet. It’s obvious the developers were inspired by Valve’s awesome look, feel and even intensely fast pace action of Team Fortress 2 but this is just a trailer. Although, a trailer almost exactly copied from Valve. They still have time to change a few things (like not having the weapons be exactly the same, like the bat) and if they do so, they might stop some of the complaints. They will need to do some things that sets it apart from it’s inspiration and not just be a Korean version of TF2. We’ll have to wait and see what the single player story and actual gameplay is all about. Until then, I’ll have to reserve my judgment.