I‘m still trying to figure out if I’m the only one in the world stunned by this official announcement. I had just talked about how much I wanted this game to come to Xbox Live Arcade, back in March. And wouldn’t you know it? There is a video game God out there answering prayers. Who knew!?

I readily admit that I am extremely excited about this news, especially if the 4 player Co-Op is indeed true. But I am also hesitant to get too excited. Why, you ask? I’ll give you some examples.

First off, I originally played the NES version of Bubble Bobble back in the early 90’s. This is not the same game coming out on XBLA. This is Bubble Bobble Neo. Whatever that means. It’s obviously an updated version. But have you ever played a game when you were younger, only to play it again when you were older and it just wasn’t as fun as you remember? (Worms anyone?) Or what about a movie that you had memories of, maybe you thought it was funny back in the day, maybe even scary? (Killer Klowns from Outer Space anyone? Hey! Don’t judge me.) Or what about going back to visit your old childhood home you grew up in, only to find out the new homeowners have let the front yard go, the grass is dead, the basketball court you put up at Christmas is gone, and there is a decaying RV sitting in the driveway just waiting to be turned into a meth lab. Y’know what I mean? It turns out, it’s just not the same anymore. The fond memories of the past, sometimes, should just stay in the past. You don’t want to see them ruined.

That’s what I am worried about when it comes to one of my most favorite games off all time growing up, Bubble Bobble. I probably don’t have to worry about it this much, but since this will be a day one purchase for me, I really don’t want to be disappointed. I’ve scaled back my gaming time too much as it is because of the lack of decent games out now. I’m hoping my old pals Bub and Bob will be there to rescue me from Triple-A and new Arcade game mediocrity.

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