Most of the time in this industry, it’s a love-hate relationship when it comes to the oh-so-powerful, Hype Machine. Sometimes there may be a mole inside the studio leaking concept artwork of a new game, maybe a sneak peak at a trailer that’s not even finished, or maybe just a slip of the tongue from someone not directly involved in the game… all leading to credible, and not so credible speculation. Other times, a studio or publisher might do this on purpose, as part of an overall marketing strategy to build that hype as much as possible. But guess what? We all love it! Is it true? Is it not true? Who knows!? And that’s what’s exciting.

That’s why I am posting this trailer from Beyond Good & Evil 2. A game that is not even being made! Or.. wait, is it? Here, you decipher this snippet from Ubisoft’s CEO of North American operations:

“When asked why they decided to pursue a sequel, Laurent Detoc said, “Well, I didn’t say there’s definitely going to be another game. I said something had leaked, which means we’ve been working on some Beyond Good and Evil stuff, but whether there’s going to be another game or not, that’s something for the future. But getting to your question as to why there’s work on the IP again, it’s a creative people business; the creative talent is interested in it and possibly exploring how to do it from a new angle.”

After watching the trailer above, I say bring it! I love video games that can add humor so effortlessly.

Thanks to That VideoGame Blog for posting the video.. you guys have some of the best quality vids to embed on the net!

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