I‘ll admit, when I first saw the original footage of this movie, back when Neill Blomkamp was introduced to the world as being the guy that would bring Halo to life on the big screen, this project and his past projects did not impress me. However, when he did the live-action short films based in the Halo universe, I was completely blown away. In fact, it’s the only video I have kept stored on my 360 hard drive and refuse to erase it. Returning to it every once in a while for inspiration and well.. it’s just so completely bad ass I wish it were a full on motion picture. But, we’re not going to get it. At least, not for a while. Until then, we have District 9 to look at and wonder… what if?

Check out the trailer above and tell me what you think. The first teasers that have come out have not been very detailed but after watching this, I finally.. after watching and reading everything else about this movie, I am finally excited to see this. It doesn’t matter that Peter Jackson is involved or not, I believe this could be something we haven’t seen before and Neill Blomkamp will deliver. I just hope this raises enough hype to where Blomkamp’s next project will be the one everyone is really waiting for… Halo: The Movie. Ahhhh man.. someday, right? Someday.

If this is the first time you’ve heard about this movie, this is what ‘District 9’ is all about:

“Thirty years ago, aliens made first contact with Earth. Humans waited for the hostile attack, or the giant advances in technology. Neither came. Instead, the aliens were refugees, the last survivors of their home world. The creatures were set up in a makeshift home in South Africas District 9 as the worlds nations argued over what to do with them. Now, patience over the alien situation has run out. Control over the aliens has been contracted out to Multi-National United, a private company uninterested in the aliens welfare they will receive tremendous profits if they can make the aliens awesome weaponry work. So far, they have failed; activation of the weaponry requires alien DNA. The tension between the aliens and the humans comes to a head when an MNU field operative, Wikus van der Merwe, contracts a mysterious virus that begins changing his DNA. Wikus quickly becomes the most hunted man in the world, as well as the most valuable he is the key to unlocking the secrets of alien technology. Ostracized and friendless, there is only one place left for him to hide: District 9.”

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