What’s God of War? That just may be your reaction after you play Visceral Games new IP, Dante’s Inferno. This game looks like it could be a visually disturbing delight but looks like it could also be quite immersive. I’m starting to get real excited for this one.

If you pay close attention, you can see that the blood color is not your typical color of red, green, or even purple. It makes sense to use a more lava-orange color considering the location of Dante’s Inferno, and it is in these small but powerful details that could set this game apart from it’s obvious God of War competition. Though this looks amazing and as of this point I can see myself purchasing this on day one, I have said that before. Lately the “must haves” have been quite a disappointment. Hey Visceral, EA? Don’t disappoint us. Especially with all that hype.

Gamestop has Dante’s Inferno shipping on December 1, 2009.

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