Hmmm..looks familiar. Didn’t Will Smith drive through this town in Bad Boys 2?Heeeyy! What’s Bruce Willis doing in my Max Payne? Oh wait, that’s not Bruce Willis, that really is Max Payne. But… he looks.. so old, face so hairy… head so.. bald?

Yea well I guess that’s what time will do to ya. Its been a while since Max Payne 2 so it only makes sense that Max Payne will look different the third time around. Some fans on the internet had quite a hissy fit when they didn’t recognized their beloved Max Payne. Me on the other hand, totally diggin’ the makeover. I call it, the Bruce Willis terrorist look. aka, Bruce Willis gone rogue.
Hey you! Bad Guy. Camping on the stairs is not the best idea. Psshh, n00b
One thing I’d like to point out in these first ever release of Max Payne 3 screenshots is the similar feel I get when looking at them compared to Uncharted 2. Call me crazy.. no, go ahead.. I’ll wait. Ok, the specific screenshot that gave me that impression was the one where he is shooting a guy on the stairs. The lighting and textures gave me that Uncharted 2 feel. Ok that’s it.. I got it out. I said it.
Max Payne is so pissed, he’s shooting teenage soccer players for the hell of it

What are your first impressions when you saw the new Max Payne?

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