Left 4 Dead 2 was recently announced at E3, and well.. all hell broke loose I guess you could say. If by hell you mean a 10,000 + strong army of boycotters. I’m really surprised to see that Valve did not see this backlash coming. Of all developers in the world, Valve knows and understands their audience better than anybody. They have had some of the most hardcore fans any developer could ever ask for. Maybe even too hardcore. But I think it’s understandable. Valve makes superior games which makes them easy to sell because let’s face it, not many developers can make a well polished, quality title quite like Valve. That is, until Left 4 Dead came along.

All was well at first, but then complaints started to arise. For me, it was mainly because there wasn’t enough campaigns to play through. “Only 4 campaigns Valve? Ahhhh.. no worries! It’s Valve! They’ll put out a couple of patches to improve gameplay, and surely they would at least double the amount of campaigns I can kill Zombies in. Watch.. just watch. They’ll announce all the DLC they will have coming out for Left 4 Dead at E3.”

Wait.. what? Left 4 Dead 2 was announced instead!?

And that’s when 10,000 + Left 4 Dead fans’ inner Hitler came to the forefront, and the video above is what happens when a developer lets down some of the most hardcore.

Read more on the boycott here…

And if you have not tried out this game yet, I do have to admit it’s a pretty awesome game to play, but I’m done with it now and I have it on sale at It’s cheaper than buying it used from GameStop so get it before someone else does. I just put it up.

UPDATE from Valve: ‘Ton’ of content makes Left 4 Dead 2 too big to be DLC…

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