I was kind of surprised when Valve announced that they were working on Left 4 Dead 2. It feels like Left 4 Dead just came out. And well, it really did. About 7 months ago. Fans of the game are not that thrilled about it. A lot of gamers who play L4D on Steam have even gone as far as starting a boycott because they’re so upset about this. I don’t blame them! It was a great game, but c’mon! Only 4 missions? I feel like I got robbed in a way. Which is why I just posted it for sale on Glyde.com. So if you haven’t played it yet, you can buy it there, directly from me. I also put up FEAR 2 if you want to buy that as well on Glyde. Go check out that site anyway, they have some good deals.

Anyway.. here is some gameplay of L4D2 and I’ll at least admit, it’s looking awesome. Especially with the axe. But that should have been included in the first L4D 7 months ago. The game was obviously unfinished. But what are you going to do? Valve is running a business and that’s just how it is sometimes. I’ll roll with it. I’m not happy, but I’ll roll with it.

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