For those who don’t know, I usually only play video games on the 360.. and sometimes on the PC. But recently, I finally got my hands on a Nintendo Wii. I’m still not that big of a fan, but that’s more because of the lack of good quality games for the Wii. The Wiimote, motion sensing is kind of gimicky to me (even on the PS3 and 360, I really don’t care about motion sensing) and well, I just really prefer the old school method of using a simple controller. The simple things in life my friends, always the best.

Enter Tecmo from way out in left field. You remember Tecmo right? Well, I for one certainly remember Tecmo Bowl. One, if not the very first, football video games I ever played. I remember playing with my best friend and always arguing over who got to be the Raiders, and more importantly, who got to be the Raiders with Bo Jackson (greatest athlete of all time! BTW, where the hell did Bo go anyway?) At the time, Bo was the best at just about everything. Football, Baseball, writing books (Bo knows Bo.. awesome book!) and even video games. He was unstoppable! Don’t believe me, watch the old school Tecmo.

So here’s to hoping Tecmo for the Wii will be just as fun as Tecmo Bowl with Bo Jackson. I will remain a bit skeptical about this game with a bunch of mini-games, but if it’s fun for the whole family, I just may pick this up for my nephews.

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