Y‘know, I don’t even need to say anything about this trailer. You know what to expect and I know you know that I know, you don’t really care to read anything right now.. you just want to watch this. So excuse me, I’ll get out of your way and you can carry on with your Memorial Day holiday weekend and watch this incredible clip of the new Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 trailer. After so many teases, it’s about damn time we get to see the full sha-bang and what a perfect weekend to release it to the public.

Remember, if you see anyone in uniform today.. actually, if you ever see a man or woman in uniform, make sure to go up to them and thank them for serving and putting their lives on the line everyday, so people like us can sit here and watch video game trailers. You don’t need to wait for a holiday to give you an excuse to thank a marine, a soldier, a fighter pilot… just thank them.

Thanks to Kotaku for the vid.

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