If you’re a fan of The Orange Box, you’re most likely a fan of Team Fortress 2. If you’re a fan of Team Fortress 2, then you’re a really big fan of the “Meet the” series of videos created by one hell of an artistic team of artists. I’m glad this came out today since I was trying to figure out what game I should play later on. This gives me enough reason to throw the disc back in my 360 and give Team Fortress 2 a go. The game isn’t a Halo or anything, but it’s definitely worth holding onto to play every once in a while. For me at least. Anyway, if any of you play this game and you see me online, send me an invite. I need to learn how to play this game better. All I do is use the guy with the rockets and shotgun. I have yet to used the Spy since I haven’t figured out how yet. Maybe I’ll work on that. Until then, enjoy the video! Hopefully it doesn’t get taken down.

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