Are you ready for yet another ZBrush revolution? Man, just when I thought I was catching up to the last revolution we saw from ZBrush 2 to ZBrush 3.1, the guys at Pixologic have obviously been busy developing a new version that I predict will blow my mind once again. As soon as I saw this announcement over at ZBrush Central, I immediately thought that in order to get ZBrush 4, I would have to fork over another $500 or so. Then I remembered Pixologic is an awesome company and just like with the last upgrade, users who already own the previous version can upgrade to the new version for free. YES! Thanks Pixologic, as a student and as a game artist trying to get my foot through the door in the game industry, it helps to get some things for free along the way.

Read the announcement over at ZBrush Central…

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