The last of Game Career Guide’s Top 10 feature series is for the professional game artists out there. Some very good tips from video game Art Director Robert Chang. I haven’t had the experience of working in an actual studio yet so I’m not aware of the procedures that take place between a noob artist and the Art Director. So these tips are pretty valuable to keep in mind and prepare yourself for what is expected of you at a game studio. Whether you’re a brand new hire or if you’ve been at the studio for years, these tips are still relevant. Here are a few tips I found interesting:

1. Never turn in work that has technical mistakes.

As a professional artist, your job is to give life to what exists only in the imagination, and other people rely on you to do this with a certain level of proficiency. When you turn in work that has obvious anatomy mistakes, incorrect perspective, or contradicting lighting, you are basically telling your co-workers that you are an incompetent artist.

Ideally, your work should contain as few technical mistakes as possible, and the only critiques you get from your peers and superiors should regard style and design, never your competence as an artist.

8. Brush up on your foundations.

Many artists get their first jobs before they have truly mastered the important foundations they need to know as professional artists.

From that first job on, they just tread in the same spot and virtually stop growing and learning as artists aside from what they do at work. Don’t be one of them. Keep on learning and strengthen your weaknesses, learn new tools, and try new methods.

10. Don’t be a prima donna.

At the same time, don’t be a difficult person. Realize that although you have your own artistic style and personal taste, as a production member, you have to work well with others and be able to follow orders.

If you disagree with every art direction, refuse to make changes, and march to your own beat regardless of what’s asked of you, then don’t be surprised if you’re the next person to be let go when it’s time for a layoff (if you don’t get fired first).

Read an older post on the Top 10 tips to greatness for Game Designers…

Read more tips for Artists over at…

Be sure to check out all the other features including tips for Producers, Programmers and Audio.

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