Well it’s about frackin‘ time! With rumors on the internet claiming Rockstar San Diego would be the developers of the next Max Payne game, (we now know they’re a bit busy with Red Dead Redemption) word is out that it’s actually Rockstar Vancouver who are taking their experience of creating “Bully” and applying what they learned to create the best Max Payne any of us have ever seen. Needless to say, I’m excited and I think the gaming community as a whole should be as well because this title has the potential to be game of the year. It will be quite a battle, but it could happen.

I still remember, I think it was Max Payne 2, where you had to walk on these balance board things with nothing but the dark abyss below you and a crying baby to guide your way. Those images and sounds are still embedded into my memory and it’s in these moments that games become great. When you can remember moments in a game, 5, 10, 15 years ago, you know you have something special. And Max Payne is a title that is definitely special to me and other fans of this great third person shooter.

Since this story has been announced on countless other sites, I’m going to change it up a bit and give you the following information from Rockstar Vancouver’s job listing. Vancouver has been hit hard recently with layoffs and studio closures so it’s nice to hear a new game announced and better yet, a new game announced at a studio who are hiring! Here are some of the jobs listed on their site. Make sure to contact them right away if you feel you have what it takes to be part of this experienced and talented studio.

Rockstar Vancouver Job Listings: (U.S. citizens will need to qualify for work visa)


Candidates must be able to animate natural and expressive human motion to create realistic, fluid character animations. A portfolio demonstrating exceptional 3D animation is required. The successful candidate will be responsible for creating visually stunning 3d game animations, and for working closely with the team to create balanced solutions to all related technical and aesthetic issues.


We are looking for a character modeller to produce graphic content consistent with the style and vision of our game under development.



  • Use 3D packages (Max Preferred) to build detailed levels – including the attributes and relative locations of terrain, rooms, and objects therein;
  • Build levels that fulfill the requirements of the project’s game design and visual design – as documented by Specifications, Style Guides, reference material and discoveries made through the iterative process;
  • Model geometry at multiple LODs, map textures and set up lighting for 3D art assets;
  • Work in collaboration with the game and level designers to prototype and implement the game play.


We are seeking an enthusiastic games programmer with solid and well-rounded skills in diverse programming areas. The successful candidate will work closely with designers and scripters to implement and support a variety of game-related functionality.


Successful candidates will be able to lead the vision of visual effects and lighting for our games. The applicant must have exceptional ability to research, conceptualize, and create natural animated effects (water, smoke, foliage, dust, fabric), as well as fantastical effects (explosions, powers, etc.). A strong ability to visualize and communicate (verbally and visually) lighting styles and effects is essential.

We are also looking for strong problem-solving skills, the ability to work and communicate harmoniously with a team, and be able to work within the limitation of technical specifications. Will work as liaison with Art Director to ensure game lighting vision is implemented fully.

Head on over to to see other job listings, fill out the online application and good luck!

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