If you’re on your way to becoming a game designer or even if you’re just thinking of choosing game design as your new career path, you can count on to be there for you every step of the way. Their latest feature gives us the Top 10 Tips to becoming a great game designer, from Spin Master Studios’ Tim Lang.

I think a lot of us game artists get stuck in our own little ways, our own workflow or our own methods of creating our game art. We tend to learn one method and then stick with it until perfection. Which is what you should do we these 10 simple, sometimes common sense, tips to become a great game designer. Learn these few tips and try to keep them in mind for your next portfolio project or game mod. Including what I think is the most important, to go out of your way each and every day to learn something new. Even if it’s something as simplistic as learning about a new button in Maya or discovering a new brush in Photoshop. So stay connected, visit all the great educational and informative sites I have linked here and make yourself known. Show your art to the world and never stop improving.

Read more on the Top 10 Tips of Game Design at…

Check out the huge list of Game Student Resources I have linked to in the past…

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