I think this game may be flying under the radar so I’m hoping to help spread the word. I was bored one night and started browsing the Xbox Live Marketplace. My little nephews were visiting so I was looking for some interesting videos/demos to download that we all could play together. So this is when I came upon Mini Ninjas. First off, this is a great name for a game. Anything with the word “mini” in it is interesting to people for some reason. Mini dogs, mini Cooper, mini me… mini skirts. OK, enough mini references. Anyway, this looks like a cool game I can play with my little nephews. I hope the developers, IO Interactive, don’t take it to the extreme like their last games. (Hitman and Kayne & Lynch) Which begs the question, how do you go from those games to something like Mini Ninjas? Bizarre. But I’m willing to give them a chance. I really hope they keep this kid friendly.

This game is scheduled to come out for the 360, PS3, Nintendo DS, Wii and Games for Windows. Yeap, full court press from IO Interactive. Good luck guys!

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