One of the most famous cheats in gaming history belongs to one of my favorite childhood game growing up, Contra. That code stayed embedded in my head since the first time I found out about it when I was a little kid. My best friend and I would play this for hours. Of course, back then it was a challenge. Now when I play it on Xbox Live Arcade, I find it very easy to beat. I guess all those years of gaming after I first played Contra for the NES has finally paid off. Do you agree when I say another Contra game should be developed? I wish. Keep it as a platformer, but update it. Kind of like what was done with Bionic Commando. Same game, but with better, well.. everything.

I guess my wish will have to wait another day. But if I actually had a PS3, I could be playing this LittleBigPlanet “Contra” remake. A total of seven different people put in a very thourough representation of every level of the first Contra game. Eight stages total. This is probably the best LittleBigPlanet created project I have seen so far. The Mirror’s Edge one was cool, but that’s so 2008. Anyone could have made that level. But this? You can tell a lot of effort was put into this and the creators should be proud of their work. Whether it’s funner to play the real Contra or not, you’ve got to give credit where credit is due. Excellent work gentlemen.

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