I thought it was only fair since I added a tutorial of how to design characters, I should also include a tutorial on how to sketch environments. This tutorial comes from the master himself, Feng Zhu. At VanArts, we were encouraged to learn as much as we could from some of Feng Zhu’s workflow as most of us wanted to do environments, not characters. So we watched and we learned, and then we watched some more. It’s really amazing to see this guy in action. It looks like he is mostly scribbling but somehow it turns into art in the end, every time.

So who is Feng Zhu? Well, he is a concept art director and he works on just about everything in the entertainment industry. From video games, movies, TV commericals, magazines and more. This guy is one of the best if not THE best in the industry. This guy is definitely someone I look up to.

Recently, Feng Zhu has opened the FZD School of Entertainment and Design in Singapore. Can’t afford to move to Singapore and take some classes with him? Yeah, me neither. It sucks but at least he has some free tutorials for you to watch on YouTube and he also teamed up with the Gnomon Workshop on multiple DVD’s. I’m thinking about buying some myself.

Check out more on Feng Zhu on his website…

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